
Prof. Quentin M. Anstee
Conference ChairDr. Anstee is an Academic Hepatologist at the Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University, UK. A practising clinician, he is also an Honorary Consultant Hepatologist in the Liver Transplant Unit at the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle. His specialist interest is the diagnosis and treatment of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
He trained in medicine at University College London where he was awarded First Prize in Medicine in the final MB BS examination. His post-graduate specialist clinical training was undertaken in hospitals in North-West London. Prior to joining Newcastle in 2010, he worked as Clinical Lecturer in Medicine & Hepatology at Imperial College London and St Mary's Hospital. His translational research focuses on the pathogenesis, risk stratification and treatment of NAFLD and the study of genetic and epigenetic modifiers of progressive liver disease both in large, well phenotyped patient cohorts and through complementary laboratory approaches including gene-driven and phenotype‐driven ethyl-nitrosourea mutagenesis and targeted genetic modification.
Prof. Quentin M. Anstee
Conference Chair
Prof. Arun J. Sanyal
Conference ChairDr. Sanyal is a physician-scientist and professor of medicine at the VCU Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia, USA, whose focus is liver disease. He has led multiple initiatives at national and global levels impacting the practice of medicine, as well as training clinical workforce around the world. He is a “next-generation” thinker creating fresh paradigms in the rapidly changing research and health care environment.. He is well published and his name appears as a co-author on texbooks that are educating the next generation of global leaders. His company, Sanyal Biotechnology, has emerged from a recent research patent “Diamond Mice.” A deep commitment to liver disease research and to global health initiatives has made Dr. Sanyal a much sought-after speaker and brought him to the forefront of symposiums all over the world.
Prof. Arun J. Sanyal
Conference Chair
Prof. Rifaat Safadi
Conference ChairDr. Safadi is Professor in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem & visiting Scholar, the division of Liver Diseases, Mount Sinai School of Medicine in NY. He is a member of several international Liver associations committees and the Director of Liver Unit, Institute of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, Hadassah and the Director of Liver Unit & Clinical Research Center, Holy Family Hospital, Nazareth, Israel. His clinical focus is on viral hepatitis, Cirrhosis complications and liver cancer, immune diseases of the liver and liver transplantation. He received many awardees and published more than 170 manuscripts in high rated professional journals.
Prof. Rifaat Safadi
Conference Chair
Prof. Oxana Drapkina
Conference ChairDr. Drapkina is Director of National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Executive Director of the Russian educational Internet Session.
Professor Drapkina combines ongoing clinical work with research activities. In 2003 Oksana M. Drapkina defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences: ``Specifics of the synthesis of nitric oxide, and heat shock proteins in patients with acute myocardial infarction and post-infarction cardiosclerosis``.
Prof. Oxana Drapkina
Conference Chair
Prof. Michael Roden
Conference ChairDr. Roden is W3 professor at the University of Düsseldorf, Germany and a speaker of the board of the DDZ. He is also a board member of the German Center for Diabetes Research and a member of numerous national and international committees. He is chairman of the Medical Committee of the German Council of Science and Humanities and the head of the German Diabetes Study. His research areas include energy metabolism of healthy people and of patients with diabetes mellitus and obesity. His ground-breaking results on the effects of fat infusions and fat storage in muscle tissue have contributed significantly to the elucidation of fat-induced insulin resistance in humans.